Next morning for those that didn't over do the beer the night before it was an early breakfast and out on the bank before 8 and those that made the effort were rewarded with plenty of barbel all small fish up to around 4lb but good sport, the only bait that was working was maggot, the dutch love using cheese but that wasn't working and sweetcorn also wasn't producing. Keeping Gallons of maggots cool isn't easy but our coach driver Pete had no problem with us using the coach fridges to keep the bait cold and it worked very well.
The Dutch are very friendly people and I met some great people on the trip and from the kind comments that I got during our stay I am sure they were grateful of my help, what they lack in tackle and knowhow they make up for in effort. It would be hard to single anyone out but I would like to thank them all for a great weekend and hope our paths cross in the future.
The fishing got better as the weekend went on, the combination of the anglers getting better and plenty of bait going in saw plenty of barbel caught later on Saturday and during Sunday morning, the biggest going around 6lb.
I Only managed a few hours fishing myself but did manage 4 barbel in that time and was well pleased to add another river to my growing list and also to catch a barbel in such stunning surroundings.