Read about my adventures as I travel around the UK & Europe in search of big fish. Learn about what I see and who I meet along the way.
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Sunday, 26 December 2010
Monday, 20 December 2010
Seasons Greetings

Voor al onze nederlandse vrienden een gezellige feestdagen en een gelukkig en gezond 2011
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
It's Not Going To Be Easy
It's down to minus 15 here in places so the barbel are not going to Feed for a while thats for sure.
With a house move coming up in the near future and then several months of hard work to get the house how we want it, all but the odd fishing trip will be out of the question.
Tjitske is back to Holland tomorrow for a few days and back with me in England next week.
She hasn't left yet but I miss her already
Monday, 29 November 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Missing Someone
Spare a thought for Lady T I know she is struggling a bit at the minute with things over in Holland, it really is time that someone grew up and faced reality and realised the truth.
Found this picture in the archives a much younger me with a nice bag of Wensum Roach
Friday, 12 November 2010
Many Thanks
I can say without the love and support of one particular person I wouldn't be here now.
I know in the end it will all work out for the best, but when you are at the bottom of a deep hole and can see no way out its tough, very very tough.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Oat cakes and Barbel
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Middle Severn Double
T has managed a couple so far, both fitting fit autumn barbel, just like this cracking double I have just returned.
Monday, 1 November 2010
That's Novembers Barbel Sorted
The barbel are also out to play with 5 already,, all on the pellet and monkey..
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Well Done Lee Kerry
Firstly the whiteacres festival then the big money Parkdean masters,, that's a cracking double mate well done.
Maybe now you have all that money in your pocket you can pay back that tenner I lent you!!!
Well done mate you deserve it
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Back to work
Walked in The Malverns on Sunday which was something I have never done before but will definitely be doing again, great walking with breathtaking scenery.
Caught a few barbel from the Severn only fished for about 6 hours in total but managed 5 average size but none the less cracking fish.
Had a great meeting yesterday with the team at Preston innovations and looked at some new tackle ideas and products, a special thanks to Ian Day at Sonubaits for not only giving me a chance in the first place but being a great mate and very supportive ever since, cheers Ian I appreciate it
The next few weeks are looking tough to say the least but I know the support from my family, my friends and one special person will get me through it.
Remember one and all
The Truth Never lies
Monday, 25 October 2010
That's Better
This one is especially for Lady T
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Whatever Happens
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Barbel On
Fantastic weather for October 20c and not a drop of rain.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Dutch On Tour
Friday, 8 October 2010
The First of Many I Hope
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Cheesy Garlic
Had 6 so far best over 6pm all on the cheesy garlic and monkey
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Barbel 3000 and Counting
Germany Again
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Ouch That Hurts
First cast Bianca hooked and landed a good fish pictured above and not long after that fish was returned the baitrunner screamed again and this time it was Hendriks turn..
Unfortunately while trying to net the fish Bianca fell and broke her wrist, not good especially as the fish were feeding!!!!!
Hope it's not too painful Bianca and you 2 are back out fishing again soon.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Well Done Doug
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Dave's first barbel
Darren had the first barbel about an hour ago and Dave followed it up with his first ever barbel, let's hope there are a few more to follow
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
On the Severn
Today it's with Steve Martin from Total Coarse Fishing, he's just had his first Severn barbel and at just short of nine pound he'd well happy
Tomorrow it's a Korum challenge winners day, again on the Severn with 20 or so invited guests all hoping to catch a barbel or two
Thursday I have a guiding day,, so let's hope the fish keep feeding, had 2 so far in the first 3 casts
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Friday, 10 September 2010
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Well Done Lee
Just had a text from old mate Lee Hayes who is on the middle Severn this week and has smashed his P.B. and recorded his first double with a fish of 11.09.....Well done Lee
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Back in Holland
Back to reality on The Trent just had my first fish a small dace hoping for a barbel or 2 once the tide starts to run.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Grandad I missed you
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Back Home
Fished the Waal the last day for a few hours and managed 5 barbel all on pellet and monkey tactics.
Many thanks to Tjitske, Frans and Linda for looking after us so well as always we had a great time yet again.
Back to work tonight but with plenty of memories, video and images I have lots to do over the next few days to catch up.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Um Pa Shake Hands

Next morning for those that didn't over do the beer the night before it was an early breakfast and out on the bank before 8 and those that made the effort were rewarded with plenty of barbel all small fish up to around 4lb but good sport, the only bait that was working was maggot, the dutch love using cheese but that wasn't working and sweetcorn also wasn't producing. Keeping Gallons of maggots cool isn't easy but our coach driver Pete had no problem with us using the coach fridges to keep the bait cold and it worked very well.
The Dutch are very friendly people and I met some great people on the trip and from the kind comments that I got during our stay I am sure they were grateful of my help, what they lack in tackle and knowhow they make up for in effort. It would be hard to single anyone out but I would like to thank them all for a great weekend and hope our paths cross in the future.
The fishing got better as the weekend went on, the combination of the anglers getting better and plenty of bait going in saw plenty of barbel caught later on Saturday and during Sunday morning, the biggest going around 6lb.
I Only managed a few hours fishing myself but did manage 4 barbel in that time and was well pleased to add another river to my growing list and also to catch a barbel in such stunning surroundings.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Rain Spaceships and Big Barbel
We did manage to get a few hours in this morning between the showers and I must admit I had to take a second look when an approaching ship looked more like a space ship than a boat.
Frans managed a small barbel early on and I was close to admitting defeat when the Baitrunner on the Korum reel sang my kinda song and a strike of Zorro met with the firm resistance of a big barbel after a couple of hairy moments with the rocks Frans slid the net under a big fish.
For the last four hours it hasnt stopped raining and I would imagine the local roads are well flooded the campsite roads are under water and several awnings on site have collapsed under the strain of the heavy rain.
Bikes and Windmills
Next it was off to the river Ijssel to catch a few barbel nothing big but a nice net of silver fish on the maggot and a switch to the monkey had 3 nice barbel grace the net, the river was very high and at one point the krib I was fishing from was completly swamped as a heavily laden passing barge caused a large swell which nearly washed me out. We have had some very strong winds which have made fishing difficult at times, the old fashioned dutch cloggers windmill has been replaced by many of the new fashion wind turbines like here on the Ijssel, which were working overtime due to the strong winds.
Now you are going to ask where the cheese came in, well thats simple a nice mature cheese sandwich and a cold beer.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Thunder Storms and Sunsets
Fished the Waal yesterday afternoon which at present is around 3 metres higher than its normal summer level, the barbel have been hard to come by in Holland for the last few weeks, the river has been high and cold and many of the Kribs are under water limiting the number of places to fish.
Both myself and Frans had a couple of barbel each nothing huge but still great sport hooked at distance in heavy flow.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Grand national next
Had my first ever go at horse riding last week and it was a great experience
Will blog a full holiday report tomorrow
But to wet your whistle between myself and Frans we netted over 100 barbel in the last few days with Frans bagging over 50 of those including not one but 2 middle Severn doubles
Watch this space
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Double Dutchy
On the monkey
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Nice weather for the ducks
The fresh water done the world of good to the river and got the barbel feeding,, Frans had a good short evening session managing 12 barbel with the best going over 8 lb